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Wills, Trusts and Probate

Why should I make a Will?

Only by making a Will can you be sure that upon your death your chosen wishes about your estate (that is your money, property and other assets) are carried out. Carefully planned, a will can help save emotional distress to those that are left behind as well as, most importantly,  insuring that your assets go to support those that you feel best deserve them.

On the other hand, if you do not have a Will, your estate will be divided according to the rules of intestacy – that is the rules set by Parliament and, if you do not have a family, the State will get everything.

A properly drawn-up Will can, amongst other things, assure that:

  • Cover provision is guaranteed for care of minor children
  • Specific gifts to named people are carried out
  • Savings are achieved of Inheritance Tax
  • Your favourite charities Benefit from your estate
  • Your home is secured as a residence for someone who lives with you
  • You can name the person/persons you want to look after your affairs upon your death

How much will it cost?

A very basic Will is probably not as expensive as you might think.  It would make sense to telephone us on 0800 111 4996 with a brief outline of what you require and then we can advise you on the cost of drafting a very personal and very important document.